Christopher Crow
Chris Crow joined the agency in 2012 to carry on the great legacy that his grandmother, Betty Doyle set forth maintaining the standards that have made this agency a success. Chris comes to us from Farmers Insurance claims adjuster. He is committed to protecting and ensuring the same principles that founded Doyle-Crow & Associates. You can contact Chris directly at
Clinton Foster
Clinton Foster is our Group Benefits Manager as well as a Medicare and Individual Marketplace Agent. Clinton champions the renewals and proposals for our groups, getting the most accurate and up to date information about all of the plans available to us, and presenting them in a clear, concise manner that makes the toughest decisions for Group HR Administrators easier to understand. With Clinton’s help, companies can have the all in one web portal for online enrollment and company communications that normally only large companies can provide. If you need it done, contact our activator
Denika Givens
Denika Givens is an insurance agent, but here she is also our newsletter & recipe coordinator. Denika handles our outbound email marketing, chamber responsibilities and the creation of very popular newsletters and recipe sharing group. You can contact her directly at her email,